Social media channels are now a key part of how brands and audiences connect and communicate. Audiences are no longer passive recipients to brand messaging; two-way communication is an expectation and not just a desirable.

In our previous blog ‘Social Media and Healthcare Brands’ we shared our insight into why many health and pharma companies are still reluctant to utilise social channels as part of their engagement strategies. Concerns around complexity and fear of non-compliance with local codes and legislation are the main blocks to investment in social media campaigns for healthcare brands.

However, using a structured approach to planning and considering specific key points, social campaigns can be considered a key part of your integrated communications plans with any regulatory risks easily identified, assessed and managed.

We have created a downloadable planning template for healthcare marketers to get started with social campaigns. You can access it here:

If you would like more information about how IGNIFI can work with you on your social media campaigns, social media strategy or other digital engagement projects please get in touch.

Posted by Laura Smith
Digital Engagement Manager

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